Tickets on sale now! Join one of Britain's most renowned Psychic Mediums, Tony Stockwell, along with his Spirit Guides as they bring divine philosophy, channelled Readings, energy healing, and prophecy for the group assembled. Expand your understanding of soul communication as you witness an undeniable shift in Tony's appearance and manner of speech as he deeply relaxes into an altered state of consciousness. Prepare to be amazed as he steps his awareness aside and allows Zintar Lungar, a buddhist monk long departed from the Earth, to blend with him energetically. Save the dates for a future Zintar Speaks event on November 2.
"Thank you so much! Incredible experience." - PG
"The emotion I felt was even stronger than the beautiful words. I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest at one point." - FB
"My entire body was vibrating." - AA
"Thank you. This was a true blessing." - JR
"I really enjoyed this event. Afterward, my bruise was completely gone! It wasn't just lighter or yellowing but completely gone! My mind is blown!" - RM
"Inspiring as always. So much palpable feeling of light." - PS
"Thank you for such a beautiful experience. To receive a message from Zintar was more than amazing. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I was meant to be there for it. I'm grateful." - SM
"My pain has gone just being here, thank you." - RH
"Thank you so very much for this experience tonight!! I am in awe and filled with immense gratitude!" - JB
"My personal message from Zintar truly resonated with me and what I already knew on a higher level. Very grateful and feeling very blessed to have received his guidance and confirmation. Thank you for the wonderful experience." - FB
"This was amazing! Thank you Tony/Zintar/Star/Julie/Diane, you are all so appreciated and loved." - JN
"Thank you Tony and Team. That was very special. My heart was so warm the whole time." - HS
"I felt healing on my face for a sinus issue, very grateful." - TN
"This is very beautiful to see, feel, and experience. Many of the words that Zintar spoke really resonated. Thank you for blessing us with your presence." - MS
"Zintar addressed things I prayed for today and called upon him to help with!" - JT
"Thank you, Zintar. I felt a deep healing in my heart and soul - the pain lifted as I was filled with a rocking vibration from head to toe. This sense of inner calm and stillness is beautiful." - LT