This workshop is dedicated to enhancing your connection with your guides. We all have a team of spirit guides, teachers, and soul friends. Some of our guides are with us our entire lifetime and some for only a short time when we need their specific energy and assistance. For most people the work of a guide goes unnoticed as we simply call it good luck, a gut feeling, or a hunch. In this workshop, we will explore the many ways our spirit teams encourage and support us, orchestrating synchronicities and opportunities for our highest good. Meeting and working with our guides is one of the great opportunities and joys we have on our spiritual path. In this workshop we will explore the role your spirit guides play, as well as looking at how you can more interactively commune with them in day-to-day life and learn to trust the nudges they give you. We will explore the chakra system and how to use it to amplify your spiritual journey and more effectively access your higher-self and your spirit team. Whether you’re longing to meet them, or you already have an established working relationship with your guides, this workshop is for you! This workshops will be offered in-person at The Salt Vault in Colorado Springs and online via Zoom. REGISTER today via PayPal at